ExtraPET, Exclusive Pet Supplies

extrapet_boots boots1 boots2
Boots, size "Medium" for breeds as Poodles, Bouviers, Bearded Collies and other same size breeds that need protection for dirt, water, snow etc,  All boots go on sets of 4 pieces

Boots M

Product Availability: InStock

Boots, size "Medium" for breeds as Poodles, Bouviers, Bearded Collies and other same size breeds that need protection for dirt, water, snow etc,  All
40,00 € each

  • Boots, size "Medium" for breeds as Poodles, Bouviers, Bearded Collies and other same size breeds that need protection for dirt, water, snow etc, 

    All boots go on sets of 4 pieces

  • Weight: 500 g